Don’t forget-your body IS intelligent

Our bodies are incredibly designed. I think we often forget just how intelligent our bodies are, usually viewing them as broken or stupid, compared to our modern western medicine. Many don’t realize our bodies are designed to heal itself (it might not be immediate, or perhaps the situation has become so complex and extended it needs a helping hand) however, God did design our bodies to know how to return to homeostasis (a place of balance and essentially the bodies “happy place” where things are all peachy).

Homeostasis: any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival.
— Britannica

Why is that important to know?

We often underestimate our bodies intelligence and have a tendency to isolate the problems rather than focusing on the entire body. If you have a stomach ache, take a Tums, have a headache, maybe drink some water and pop a Tylenol. Oh you have depression, how about we don’t dig into that but just put you on medication ASAP? Same story with periods and birth control. Our culture has trained us to isolate the issue and not look at the FULL picture of our bodies and life.

We need to start realizing our bodies are like a Swiss watch

Take a peek at the diagram below, included in it, you’ll see each of the systems our body has. Each system is like a gear in a Swiss watch, if one of the gears stops working or is damaged, it throws off the ENTIRE watch. Our bodies are EXACTLY like that. Our bodies may not instantly stop working like the watch would, but eventually things catch up and begin to slow down or shut down completely. The Swiss watch is a delicate, sophisticated, work of art, with teeny tiny gears working along much larger gears, but together they all help the watch work magnificently, the top of it’s class!

Diagram created by me, included in my EBook (click here to see it)

Inspired by The Wellness Way Academy I graduated from in 2022

When I work with clients I know there are typically several factors that need to be examined. I don’t simply recommend supplements willy-nilly, but dedicate myself to taking time to understand the FULL picture of their life. I take into account their body of course, but also look at their stress, relationships, environment, work, etc. to see what could be impacting them.

Personally, I find my approach a refreshing form of care, compared to the quick in-and-out surface level care we typically receive in the U.S.

I strive to make each woman who works with me feel understood and better acquainted with her own body, helping her realize just how incredibly her body was intentionally designed.

To work with me 1:1, apply HERE. Let’s get started!


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