Why I care about YOUR wellness journey:

My health SUCKED.

For nearly a decade I struggled with:

brutal period pain

Frequent migraines

PMDD (pretty much PMS on steroids-made my marriage so sad and challenging for both my husband and me)

Two eating disorders

Severe depression + battling suicidal temptation


Bowel Issues

Hormonal Acne


I’ve tried so much and became incredibly confused + overwhelmed. I don’t want another woman to experience what I had to go through.

I started out like most Americans-eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) which is lots of processed, fast food, etc and a mix of some exercise. I thought I was “healthy” because I ate ice burg salads doused in Ranch dressing, one slice of pizza, did crunches at night, and was involved in high school athletics.

Eventually I was convinced being vegan would solve my health problems and stuck with that religiously for 2 years. My periods kept getting worse and I was becoming increasingly confused and overwhelmed when nothing I found online would help my issues. I continued to eliminate foods that were culturally demonized (looking at you sugar, dairy, animal products) and finally realized I needed help. The wellness world was TOO CRAZY and confusing.

I found The Wellness Way Academy and Root Cause Protocol and began working with their information and finally saw my life improve!

After seeing my health get better and better each month, I decided to take note on what ACTUALLY helped and what I wish I knew DAY ONE of my journey! I don’t want women to have to go through the same problems I did (for nearly a decade!!) and aim to cut out all the noise and “wokeness” that is out there.

I want to help women embrace, celebrate, and best support their God given female bodies-without all the confusion!

Education History

Graduated from Liberty University Online with Degree in Christian Counseling

Graduated from The Wellness Way Academy in 2022

Continue to educate myself each day from various sources that line up with my Christian values and science

I am tired of wading through Woke, New Age beliefs in Wellness. God designed our bodies to be intelligent-I show you how to support them to honor Him

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Want a JUMP START to your wellness journey?

Download my EBook which highlights all the information

I wish I knew DAY ONE of my journey!

Includes articles + worksheets to keep you on track