“Healthy” vs. Nourishing. Why this perspective matters.

Unfortunately healthy is such a loose term these days. Healthy seems to be defined as someone who is “doing the right things” for their health, but doesn’t cover how well their body is actually functioning or if they are nourished properly. We usually define eating salads, having very low body fat, exercising frequently, and following different “health” trends as being “healthy”. But I feel like that simplifies the picture way too much and often gives people a skewed understanding of what actually matters.

Cue the importance of NOURISHMENT.

Yes some of the things I mentioned above, like eating salads and working out are “good for you” but again, that all depends. We can’t just look at someone and make assumptions they’re thriving or getting it all “right.”

Here’s what I mean.

Nourishing their body through getting enough rest, movement, limiting stress, and of course through what they consume are all important. However, we seem to focus on just two of those categories. Are they eating balanced meals with enough bioavailable protein, carbohydrates, and fats? I used to be whole food plant based (aka I limited my vegan junk food alternatives) and thought that was insanelyyyyyy healthy because I was living off of veggies, fruits, and fiber. I thought I was getting all the nutrients I needed since I gobbled down salads and would demolish watermelon, berries, oatmeal, etc. BUT I wasn’t getting 2 major KEY nutrients - bio-available protein (nourishment tip: animal product protein is SUPERIOR to nuts, seeds, beans which aren’t as easily available for our bodies to work with and doesn’t give us adequate amounts of protein) and Vitamin A/ “retinol” NOT beta carotine aka “pre-formed Vitamin A” which is essential for brain function, fertility, and strong cellular function.

What you eat isn’t the only form of nourishment

Rest and honoring your body’s energy levels is just as important to nourishing your body.

Soul Nourishing

Laughing, making memories, quality time with loved ones is just as important as the quality of food you consume. If you are consistently isolated or surrounded by people that drain you, your health will struggle.

Since we just broke down the importance of nourishment, here are FOUR ingredients I personally do my absolute best to avoid/limit

  1. Canola/vegetable/safflower/sunflower oils

  2. Citric acid + ascorbic acid - a.k.a. Synthetic “vitamin C”

  3. Added electrolytes/vitamins (B vitamins added to things like sports drinks are actually derived from petroleum and are also synthetic). Also, the ratios these products add these specific electrolytes in are unbalanced, which throws cellular function off further.

  4. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

each of these things disrupt cellular function and can actually deplete nutrients.

Soul Nourishing vs. Nutritionally Nourishing

What I LOVE to nourish myself with

  1. Carbs, fat, protein. I’m not afraid of sugar or fat. In fact our bodies NEED both! Glucose (sugar) is our bodies PREFERRED source of energy! If you have a sugar craving, it could be because of stress (needing energy to work through whatever is stress causing), low/imbalanced minerals, or your body being intelligent and realizing it needs glucose to survive and thrive! Fats like butter, beef with fat (not only “lean cuts”), olive oil, avocados, whole milk, dairy products in general, egg yolks, Cod Liver Oil.

  2. Time with loved ones. Laughter. Soul nourishment is spectacular and truly does the body wonders!

  3. Rest- don’t get me wrong, I LOVE exercising and strengthening my body. But I’m learning to recognize when my body is craving rest (not equivalent as being lazy, but trulyyyyyy slowing down and feeling the change of energy in my body) and honoring a slower pace, when need be.

  4. Foods that would normally be “off limits” due to “bad” ingredients. If I’m at a party and they’re having cake and I really would like a piece, not just for peer pressure, but because I’m having fun and would feel left out if I was strict with myself, I allow myself to have it and ENJOY it! I don’t eat these things every day, but realize the importance of soul nourishing foods (like nostalgic treats, enjoying something at a party or special occasion, but not having it be an every day staple in my diet).

I hope by now you’ve realized being “healthy” is such a vague term. As a culture we should readjust our goals to being nourished. It’s so easy to get sucked into trends or goals (which aren’t inherently bad) but usually makes us loose track of what our bodies and souls actually crave: deep nourishment, all the way down to our cells, into our hearts and mind.

How are you going to refocus your goals and understanding of what your body actually needs?

Click here to contact me for 1:1 coaching or here to buy my EBook for an easy way to get started learning more about nourishing yourself! Here’s to happier hormones!


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